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Hosting requirements

By @meetdilip
    2018-07-27 14:12:33.412Z

    Do you we need a VPS to run Talkyard ? Will it work on normal shared hosting ?

    Solved in post #6, click to view
    • 16 replies
    1. Yes a VPS is needed, for example a $10/month VPS with 2GB RAM at Vultr or Linode, or maybe a $15 with 3 GB RAM at DigitalOcean.

      It's not shared PHP hosting. Installation instructions:

      1. M@meetdilip
          2018-07-28 10:31:32.767Z

          What are the server requirements ?

          1. Ubuntu Server, >= 2 GB RAM. Right now the instructions are for Ubuntu 16.04, I'm going to edit the instructions so they work with Ubuntu 18.04 now soon. (maybe I can do that later this weekend if you want to use Ubuntu 18.04?)

            1. M@meetdilip
                2018-07-29 03:10:55.287Z

                I want to know instead of LAMP stack what does Talkyard need on the server

                PS: I am from

                1. Aha now I recognize your name. (Thanks for the email b.t.w.)

                  Instead of LAMP, it's Ubuntu and Docker-Compose. The installation instructions include a Bash script that installs Docker-Compose for you.

                  ... Docker later on installs images with Nginx, Play Framework (a Scala web app that runs on the JVM), PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch — this is nothing one needs to know about, though, and maybe these "details" will change, later on.

                  B.t.w., in the installation scripts, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and Docker 18.06.

                  Reply1 LikeSolution
                  1. M@meetdilip
                      2018-07-31 12:16:27.601Z

                      Loving this software. Great work :thumbsup:

                      1. Ok thanks :- ) & ... also a little bit unfinished, not yet any emoticons :- P

                        1. M@meetdilip
                            2018-08-01 12:52:46.977Z

                            I noticed. You need help with that ?

                            1. Actually now is not the time. I'd like to add wysiwyg / rich text editor support , and, the more functionality the current Markdown editor has/gets, the longer that'll take and the harder it'll be. Better do that afterwards. (Probably will use ProseMirror — it supports both Commonmark and wysiwyg.) ... & thanks for asking anyway :- )

                              I'm thinking that something that can be helpful if you? someone? wants to help out with ... is trying to get the e2e tests running on localhost, and tell me what is confusing and doesn't work, when trying to run them. e2e tests = good, for almost whatever one will do :- )

                              1. M@meetdilip
                                  2018-08-02 03:49:09.744Z

                                  What is e2e test ? How do you want to test it ?

                                  1. End-to-End testing: (There's a section "What is E2E Testing?" a little bit down on the page)

                                    And Talkyard uses

                                    1. M@meetdilip
                                        2018-08-02 05:31:07.381Z2018-08-02 11:27:12.101Z

                                        This one is really over my head. Hope you will find some help with it.

                                    2. In reply toKajMagnus:
                                      GGerard K @gketuma
                                        2018-08-05 18:03:53.128Z

                                        Just learned about talkyard yesterday and want to help. I will setup a local version and help with the e2e testing. Do you want me to document the entire process?

                                        1. Hi Gerard, that sounds great :- )

                                          There's some docs here: — and I'm thinking you will run into problems.

                                          Yes if you would want to document things that aren't covered already, that'd be great. And if you point out / fix errors or things that are incomplete or confusing.

                                          Maybe we can create a new topic about this? So Dilip won't get notified via email all the time :- )

                                          1. @gketuma Wow some of those docs are old. Nowadays I use Node.js 10.5 (as can be see in the Node.js build system for JS and CSS here), not Node 4.x. And also I think Yarn no longer deletes things all the time. Maybe you no longer need g++ build-essential, not sure.

                                            1. GGerard K @gketuma
                                                2018-08-06 17:21:21.737Z

                                                @KajMagnus. Ok I'm also using Node.js 10 at the moment. I'll go through the docs sometime today and let you know what I find.