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Technical information

Install on your server

You can install Talkyard on your own server; it's free and open source.


You need an Ubuntu 18.04 server (e.g. a DigitalOcean 2GB VPS), on which you can install Docker. Talkyard is not a PHP script that you can upload to somewhere.

Source code

Source code is text and characters that humans write in order to tell your computer and mobile phone what they should be doing.


Want plugins and chat bots? Maybe you'd like to post a topic in the community and write about what you want to do.

("Debiki", in the URL above, is the name of the company that builds Talkyard.)


A source code license is a legal text that tells people what they may do with the source code, for example, edit it, use it, give it away to others.

Currently Talkyard is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, which means that it's open source and that you can download Talkyard, use it, modify it and share it with others — as long as you share alike your modifications.

Please let me know if you want me to change from AGPL to GPL.


React.js client side. Nginx, some Lua, Scala and Play Framework 2 server side. PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch databases.


Do you want to help out with developing Talkyard? Then please say hello in the community, or send us an email, and have a look at our Contributor License Agreement which you need to agree to.