Hi guys,
I've added your CNAME to my DNS.
Now when a user goes to https://forum.mywebsite.com they see the discussion forum that's hosted on your server.
The problem is, your SSL cert is out of date.
Do I need to provide my own certificate?
I presume since you have certificate and it's out of date that you have just forgotten to update it.
Let me know either way, thanks.

- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-03-10 01:45:49.061Z
Hi Ronan,
The thing is, currently I need to manually tell LetsEncrypt to generate a cert. I've done that now, and now your forum / blog comments, work over HTTPS and the error is gone.
(The weird domain name,
, is from Talkyard's previous old name, "Effective Discussions", but I renamed it to Talkyard.)Please let me know if all seems fine now to you? And if you have any thoughts about how creating a forum / blog comments, can be made simpler and less confusing, please let me know :- ) (well, auto generating https certs is one thing, I plan to fix that .... a bit later, maybe using something like: https://github.com/GUI/lua-resty-auto-ssl )
Ronan D Connolly @RonanDConnolly
Thanks for the quick reply and fix!
It's looking good:
https://forum.ronanc.xyz/latestThe best fix would be as you said to set up an auto renew every 2/3 months, since the let's encrypt certs only last 3 months.
Netlify do this for every single domain.
I wonder do they have any resources that could help?KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-03-11 12:54:27.051Z
Netlify: I would guess Nentlify has written some scripts that makes calls to LetsEncrypt clients other people have built, and that the scripts are Netlify specific. In any case, integrating with lua-rsty-auto-ssl seems to be the quickest and simplest thing I can do (even if Netlify has some other solution) — Talkyard uses Nginx and Lua already, so it's "only" some Nginx config I need to add. Thanks anyway for the idea :- )
If you have other ideas or feedback later on, it'd be interesting to hear :- )
Ronan D Connolly @RonanDConnolly
I'll keep that in mind!
I noticed three issues:
- autocorrect is turned off for the inputs.
- iframe takes a long time to load on my site sometimes.
- the tour for newbies shows every time, it's very annoying.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-03-12 13:11:40.980Z
- With "autocorrect is turned off" — does that mean auto correction of spelling errors? Which inputs do you have in mind?
- Takes long sometimes: Ok, i couldn't immediately reproduce this (I tried a few times). A while ago, I started adding tracing, with Jaeger tracing https://www.jaegertracing.io/ — once I've finished that, things like this should be simpler to troubleshoot.
- The intro tours reappears again and again: Oh I'll fix that.