Creating new topics in forum when Hugo blog is updated
As the title says, any way to do that?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-03-21 18:12:13.428Z
Not for the moment.
1. Some thoughts:
Maybe I could add a webhooks create-new-topic API, and your Hugo deployment pipeline could make an API request to this Talkyard API, to create a forum topic.
I could add Zapier or IFTTT integrations, and you could configure e.g. Zapier to listen to your blog's RSS feed, and have Zapier notify Talkyard once the RSS feed changes, and then Talkyard could create a new topic with the title & link from the Zapier notification.
Here's a related discussion: — people want to create new Facebook and Twitter posts, when a new Hugo blog post is posted. They mention all of the above: Netlify's deployment pipeline, RSS, Zapier and IFTTT.
2. I wonder:
What kind of topic do you have in mind? Would it be a link to the blog post, like at HackerNews and Reddit, and then people could discuss the blog post, in that forum topic?
If a new forum topic gets created, with its own discussion — then what about embedded blog comments? If the blog also has Talkyard blog comments embedded below the actual blog post, then, there'd be two separate discussions about the blog post? Namely 1) the forum topic, and 2) the embedded blog comments. I feel confused :- ) how do you have in mind that this should work? (Perhaps the forum topic discussion itself could be embedded as the-embedded-blog-comments-discussion? The same discussion would be shown both in the forum, and below the blog post?)