"Reply" vs "Comment" label on button in the comments UI
The original concern turned out to be a misunderstanding
of the meaning of the main "Reply" button in the page
comments UI.
Original posting:
I am trying out Talkyard with my Hugo site, and testing locally.
I have added http://localhost:1313 to the list of sites in my
admin area and have set up my pages to show Talkyard comments.
Snippet result:
<script async defer src="https://c1.ty-cdn.net/-/talkyard-comments.min.js"></script>
<div class="talkyard-comments" data-discussion-id="" style="margin-top: 45px;">
<noscript>Please enable Javascript to view comments.</noscript>
<p style="margin-top: 25px; opacity: 0.9; font-size: 96%">Comments powered by
<a href="https://www.talkyard.io">Talkyard</a>.</p>
I have also tried a snippet with a non-empty discussionId,
same visible result.
When I go to a page I see a display of Talkyard information.

I see no place to enter a comment, but there is a button to allow me to
reply to the nonexistent comment.
How can I fix this?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-05-28 19:03:08.652Z
Hi Cris, the reply button is for replying to the blog post that is supposed to be visible above the reply button. If you have a look at the comments section here:
you'll see the same reply button, and a similar "NNN replies" horizontal bar. This time, though, there's a blog post above the Reply button. Maybe this makes it more clear how everything is supposed to work?Or am I missing something :- ) Maybe you'd like to post a screenshot of your whole page? Is there something above the reply button, in your case?
if you click Reply, then, an editor should appear so you can type a comment. Currently, there's no always-visible editor (although I'm startnig to think that'd be a nice thing to have).
Cris Perdue @CrisP
Thanks for the very prompt response.
I understood the "reply" button as a way to reply to another comment.
My plan is to provide for comments, actually more likely questions
about information on the web site, not a blog post.So I was expecting a small always-visible editor and a button
that says something more like "Comment" or perhaps "Ask question"
or "Question / comment".As you can tell, my first thought or three is that "reply" is confusing
in this context.KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-05-28 19:35:41.382Z
(Sometimes it takes a day or more before I reply o. O it's a bit random)
I could edit the main Reply button title to "Ask a question", via custom CSS. Let me know.
(Adding an always visible editor, that's relatively much work though, won't happen the nearest time.)
( Custom CSS. Something like this seems to work:
.dw-ar-t > .esPA .icon-reply b { display: none; /* remove "Reply" .... */ } .dw-ar-t > .esPA .icon-reply::after { content: 'Ask a question'; /* ... and add this */ opacity: 1; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; }
Cris Perdue @CrisP
Yes, that makes sense, thanks. I had been thinking maybe I could do something of the kind.
I like a lot about your approach, both from the point of view of features and also client/provider relationships (especially that there is open source). Since your reply I have gone on to playing around with what I can do with comments on my test site. Talkyard is surprisingly powerful in a few different dimensions.
CrisCris Perdue @CrisP
Unfortunately the comments display is in an iframe, and I don't
know how to affect the styling of content in an iframe,
especially as it is cross-site. I can modify the CSS through
the Chrome DOM inspector, but not through a CSS file.Any thoughts on that?
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-05-29 02:47:39.490Z
There's a CSS editor here: https://comments-for-prooftoys-org.talkyard.net/-/admin/customize/css-js
(Hmm maybe I can make it easier to find somehow.)
Cris Perdue @CrisP
Whoah, I didn't see that one coming. Yes, your CSS works, and I have done a little more customizing, though I can't promise all of it is wise. But I prefer to start with a fairly minimalist UI for the inexperienced user.
For what it's worth, here is my current CSS. I have hidden the main Talkyard toolbar header and removed editing of comments.
Thanks much.
.dw-ar-t > .esPA .icon-reply b { display: none; /* remove "Reply" .... */ } .dw-ar-t > .esPA .icon-reply::after { content: 'Comment'; /* ... and add this */ opacity: 1; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; } /* Don't show the biggish block toolbar */ .dw-cmts-tlbr-head { display: none; } /* Don't support editing comments. */ a.dw-a.dw-a-edit.icon-edit { display: none; }
- In reply toCrisP⬆:
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-05-29 02:48:31.469Z
If you have time, I'm wondering which dimensions you have in mind? Maybe there's something could mention on the homepage (so others find out sooner)
Cris Perdue @CrisP
That is not such an easy question. I was just looking for something fairly minimal with modest cost structure for a site doesn't aim for a whole lot of traffic. I was trying utteranc.es, which is cute, but probably a bit too minimalist and requires GitHub login, which seemed a little doubtful.
The capabilities of Talkyard seem to kind of go on and on. Tons of room for growth if desired, for example forums. Customizable via CSS, as I am now aware. ;-)
- Progresswith handling this problem