Make Markdown preview optional for commentors?
I'm guessing most commenters (if I ever get any) will just type in text so the markdown preview may seem confusing. Perhaps the preview could be optional or on detection of markdown in text?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-09-30 04:03:54.961Z
Yes, this is on the roadmap — not in the nearest future though. I have in mind to add a rich text / WYSIWYG editor, by integrating with ProseMirror. And then people could edit the "final" text directly, and add bold / italics / etc formatting, without using any "magic syntax", and there'd be no need for a preview. — Like most editors work, e.g. the MS Word editor or Gmail editor etc. And ProseMirror lets one switch between Commonmark and rich text.
- SIn reply tostevelee⬆:Steve Lee @stevelee
hmm adding a WSYWIG is an extra dep and loads of javascript payload. My guess is most people want just text - and maybee URL linking.
Also Accessibility is a BIG issue with WYSWIG aditors - most are hopless - CKEditor is probably the best.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2019-10-04 15:31:46.931Z
ProseMirror is quite good, is my impression. Actually I'd stay away from CKEditor. You're right that this is an extra dependency — and it'll get lazy loaded only if needed, typically won't be noticeable. I think ProseMirror is ok w.r.t. accessibility — look, here someone built a supposedly accessibility friendly editor, based on ProseMirror:
- SSteve Lee @stevelee
ProseMirror is new to me. Will explore it some time :)
- Progresswith doing this idea