Bug: Bad post nr read when liking certain posts
I am not allowed to like this post:
I noticed this in other places too, recently.

- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-02-08 11:48:49.400Z
I've fixed this bug now, on my local laptop, will include the fix in the next version.
The bug is that the browser sends a post number for a draft located just above the post you're trying to Like, to the server (those numbers are < 0). To work around, you can delete the draft. (Click "resume draft", then delete all text: CTRL+A DELETE, — and wait two seconds until the draft status text says "Draft deleted". ) (Hmm sorry maybe a bit unexpectedly (from my p.o.v.) many issues with these suddely in-page visible drafts & previews)
- Progresswith handling this problem
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-02-11 10:34:27.385Z
Now I've deployed the fix to your server, the problem should be gone.
- CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
Nice, yea I can like that post now :)