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How to delete "Custom HTML Page"

By Andreas Pieber @pieber
    2020-04-04 13:52:20.990Z


    I've creatd a "Custom HTML Page" for testing purpose. But since the Header/Helper is missing I'm not quite sure how to delete it.

    Thank you very much and kind regards,

    • 5 replies
    1. I think I'll need to add a button for that. I'll change this topic to Plan-to-fix.

      (Maybe I should hide the custom HTML page type too — it's not so user friendly currently, sorry)

      1. Update: @pieber — now I understand why you've been experimenting with custom HTML pages: I read your topic about upserting docs.

        An example of a "Cutom HTML Page" is Talkyard .io's homepage, i.e. this page: — those pages are pretty flexible, but not edit-by-hand user friendly. However if you use them via an API, then it doesn't matter that they aren't edit-by-hand user friendly?

        There's actually a 2nd type of pages, namely Info pages, like this one: — how would such a page work for your use case?

        Maybe both you and I will use these Custom HTML Pages for our docs? And I'll make them more user friendly, e.g. a Delete button

        1. PAndreas Pieber @pieber
            2020-04-08 21:26:16.168Z

            Oh, I really like the idea with the HTML Pages - there are just some details missing. But the other topic is definitely the better place for discussing those...

            Actually I don't mind using the/an API - Is there a documentation for it I'm overlooking?

            1. No docs yet. I added a note to my docs-to-write document, about documenting this upsert-pages part of the API.

              I hope to get time to write docs next week — right now I'm struggling with getting the end-to-end test running again after having upgraded from WebdriverIO v4 to v6 :- P

              1. PAndreas Pieber @pieber
                  2020-04-09 12:54:23.995Z

                  No hurry - this is page is in a staff-only-repo hurting no one :-) And good luck with the webdriver!

          • Progress
            with handling this problem
          • @KajMagnus marked this topic as Planned 2020-04-06 11:20:17.211Z.