Hi! I have self-hosted Talkyard. I am using as a comment system in mi blog. I want to disable votes for the comments.
In admin area > Look and feel I see options for BLOG COMMENTS:
One of that is:
Blog post votes
May blog readers Like or Disagree vote on the blog post itself? Type one of these numbers:
0: The default, currently means Like votes only (same as 2).
1: No votes. People can vote on blog comments, but not the blog post itself.
2: Like votes only.
I selected option 1 but "People can vote on blog comments".... is there any option to disable absolutly votes?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-05-30 06:54:26.766Z
Seems it'd be good if there was a built-in config value for that. For now, you can hide the vote buttons via CSS:
Go here:
https:// your ty server /-/admin/customize/css-js
and add this CSS:
.dw-a-like, .dw-a-votes { display: none; }