Bug in Permissions?
I'm not quite sure if it's a bug or a if I'm misunderstanding something:
There's a permission for "Edit other people's topics" and one for "Edit wiki posts". In my opinion it makes sense that if someone has the "Edit wiki posts" he can edit ALL wikified topics, and with the "Edit other people's topics" he can edit ALL topics - independently if wikified or not. This would make great sense since this would allow the author of a post to decide if he want's others to edit his topic or not.
So IMHO it SHOULD work this way - it just does not. Am I misunderstanding something?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-07-14 17:07:31.239Z
if someone has the "Edit wiki posts" he can edit ALL wikified topics [in the relevant category /Magnus]
Yes that's how it should work I think too. Sounds as if there is a bug related to this, then. I can add some end-to-end tests, to reproduce. (Probably won't take long to fix once the tests are in place.)
The problem is that Edit-wiki-posts won't let one edit all wiki posts in that category?
(Or is it that "Edit other people's topics" doesn't let one edit all other people's topics in that category?)(Changed topic type to Problem (bug). )
- PAndreas Pieber @pieber
The problem is that Edit-wiki-posts won't let one edit all wiki posts in that category?
Jop, that's exactly the problem.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-08-03 19:51:21.588Z
This now fixed, since two days ago. Your server ought to have auto-upgraded itself.
For categories you create in the future, by default, Full Member will have Edit Wiki permissions. You can change to New Members or Basic Members should you want to (per category currently).
For categories that already existed, you'll need to either grant Edit Wiki to Everyone, or add new permissions for Basic or Full members and grant Edit Wiki to them.If you try this out, please report back if / how it works for you :- )
- PAndreas Pieber @pieber
Thank you so much. I'll test it later today and will give you feedback about it.
- In reply toKajMagnus⬆:PAndreas Pieber @pieber
Took me longer to verify the change. But it works perfectly. Thank you very much!
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-08-09 18:33:07.294Z
Thanks for verifying & updating the topic status :- )
- Progresswith handling this problem