What server configuration would you recommend for 100 users?
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-11-08 18:48:49.463Z
100 daily active users? I'd use a VPS with 4 GB RAM 2 (v)CPU server, but since RAM doesn't cost that much I'd probably use 6 GB RAM just in case the community will grow.
(2 GB should work too, but then there's a little bit little memory available for ElasticSearch — there're two Java Virtual Machines in Talkyard: the application server, and ElasticSearch.)
- PIn reply tophoenix⬆:Jeff M @phoenix
Thank you! Another question, it looks like users are able to upload and share different types of data (for example, images, videos, word & excel documents). Is there a way to configure which mime types are disallowed? For example, we don't want our users to be able to upload images & videos, but not anything else.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-11-11 19:06:56.013Z
Right now, there's no way to configure that. You'd like to specify allowed mimetypes (rather than file suffixes)?
What about radio buttons / checkboxes:
[ ] Allow images, [ ] Allow non-executable attachments, [ ] Allow all types of attachments
.Or there could be a text field, where you can type a list of allowed mime types? One per line. However most people who tried to use this, would probably forget one or more image mime types I suppose.
If there's a file with an okay mimetype, but the wrong file suffix, say, an
but with ... No suffix? Or a.pdf
suffix or something weird — I suppose then it's ok to reject those files.- PJeff M @phoenix
I think your checkboxes would be sufficient. [ ] Allow Images & Video would be the only change I would think. We specifically would not want Microsoft Office documents to be shared using Talkyard.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-11-11 19:18:53.850Z
Microsoft Office documents
Because they can contain scripts? Security risk? (Or sth else? if it's ok that I ask)
- PJeff M @phoenix
Security & Process/Legal risk.