Possible to group notifications by page/thread?
Hi Magnus.
My notification drop down is starting to look more and more like this :)
While it's nice that I'm now getting notified as soon as I've joined a page/thread, it would be great if multiple notifications from the same page/thread would be collapsed together (like Facebook does).
It looks daunting to have 20+ new notifications after having been gone from the forum for just a few hours, but turns out most of them were from the same page:

Linked from:
- CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
On a side-note: It would also be great to click somewhere on a notification to mark it as read, without having to open the page. For example for likes.
- In reply tochrscheuer⬆:KajMagnus @KajMagnus2020-11-26 22:22:46.462Z
I'd like to fix this. So, notifications from the same page, should be collapsed, and then, if one clicks a collapsed notification group, there could be a popup? With buttons:
"Go to page" (the default?)
"Expand" (would un-collapse the notifications, and show each individual notification)
"Mark whole page as read" ?And if clicking a Like vote, there could be a popup "Go to Liked post", and "Mark as seen"?
Maybe if mouse hovering a notification, there could be an on-hover mini button to the right, with an eye icon, and if clicked, marks the notification as seen / read ?
- CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
Expand" (would un-collapse the notifications, and show each individual notification)
Tbh, I think this is overcomplicating it.
The notification should be as simple as on Facebook. Just click it and you get to the thread/page.
Then, when on the page, it could show me to highlight what had changed from last time I viewed it.I think from an underlying data perspective there should be such a thing as notifications and notification groups, but for the user, I don't think you want to show that complexity.
The user is just interested to see – something happened in that thread, let me go check.
I would really check out how Facebook manages this in a transparent way.
- CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
I think the real value or hard implementation comes in aggregating the text of notifications together – here's an example from Facebook:
When I click that notification I'll be taken to the Avid Pro Tools Users group, and it'll highlight those changes there. But the notification itself is simple.
- Progresswith doing this idea