log in pop up options
i'm setting up blog comments for the first time. viewers have told me they don't want to create a new account. in settings, i clicked - allow to post with name or as guest.
the log in button at the top of the comment frame opens the standard create an account login pop up.
when the comment box is open, the post button will open the pop up with - or enter your name - version, which i would prefer for the log in button as well. this can be viewed at: https://simplynaturebackcountryphotos.blogspot.com/2020/08/allen-creek-sunset.html
is there a way for the login in button to display the - enter your name - option, too? or, if not, can the first log in button be deleted? it's a little confusing for my audience that is not very blog/tech experienced.
also, as i have been testing this, when i click cancel on a message, or** delete** one that is posted, it doesn't respond and sometimes freezes.
overall, i really like how this is put together. thanks for your good work.
- KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-04 00:09:10.186Z
Sounds as if it'd be good with an admin setting for this.
is there a way for the login in button to display the - enter your name - option, too? or, if not, can the first log in button be deleted? it's a little confusing for my audience that is not very blog/tech experienced.
That's good to know :- )
Yes, the first log in button can be deleted (or rather, hidden via CSS).
I can post a bit CSS that shows how you can hide it?
And then I can add a config option, to have the "Log in" dialog open, instead - In reply tokylecline⬆:KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-04 00:09:27.931Z
when i click cancel on a message, or** delete** one that is posted, it doesn't respond and sometimes freezes.
Oh, I'll try to look into that tomorrow
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-05 15:05:57.980Z
@kylecline I couldn't reproduce the "doesn't respond and sometimes freezes" problem, at least not yet
— what if I create a test account over at your blog, and try to reproduce the problem there? (would that be ok?)- KKyle Cline @kylecline
thank you for your reply. looking into this more, the talkyard script isn't working smoothly on blogger, which i'm guessing is related to the blogger format. (for example, all of the label and archive numbers have a white background, like the talkyard log in button.)
i've decided not to use blogger (see comment below). i don't know if it is worth your time to look any further.
as a note: i did look at the hyvor comment program, that offers a blogger widget which might integrate better. not sure if that is something you'd be interested in pursuing - making a widget.
also, very appreciative of your reminder: be kind.
- In reply tokylecline⬆:KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-05 11:27:02.899Z
Actually I think the Log In button here should actually always open the Log In dialog. So probably I'll change this for everyone (no config option).
I'd like to change how the dialogs look, a little bit.
So, instead, what about as shown below? Any thoughts about that? (below)(3 dialogs: 1) Just typing a name. 2) Logging in (username, password). And 3) creating an account.)
Just typing a name
(or anonymous / guest "login")
Logging in
Create account
- KIn reply tokylecline⬆:Kyle Cline @kylecline
thank you for your reply. your ideas on new a format for login box and delete first button are exactly what i was thinking. i prefer the third version.
some general feedback. i really like how you are putting this together. your vision:
leading to decisions
creating a brighter future(or less bad)
resonates very strongly with me. it's what i'm trying to do with my nature photography sites. if you are interested: www.simplytao. com. would like to use nature photos as a starting point for conversations. these sites are temporary as i have found some technical issues with each.
after spending a year building the blogger site, i learned that with embedded comments, safari and mac os can't post. the non-embedded format doesn't provide threads. seems like google is losing interest in blogger.
the photo portfolio site is with mobirise, which is not quite customizable to my needs. (i couldn't get the talkyard script to work on this one: http://www.simplytao.com/photo/talkyard.html. it may be a function of the antiquated server php 5.3!.)i found talkyard through the joomla resources page. i'm considering using a joomla template (https://www.templatemonster.com/joomla-templates/photographer-portfolio-responsive-joomla-template-59132.html?_gl=1pkzb4u_gaMTM1Njk4Mjk5My4xNjA5MjE0NzE4_ga_FTPYEGT5LY*MTYwOTg4MzQyNi4xNC4xLjE2MDk4ODM0MzcuNDk.&_ga=2.59371945.529708472.1609737268-1356982993.1609214718
with this, i think i can combine the portfolio, comments and blog in one site. having 2 sites is a little confusing to viewers.
the template mentions having komento, but template settings doesn't show it.
if there is a way to substitute talkyard, i'd prefer that. haven't worked with joomla much and it looks a little daunting.
i really appreciate you taking time to reply. i haven't found that in other support situations. i also appreciate how you respond in the other posts i've read.
as i get this next site in place, on another server, i look forward to using talkyard.
kyleKajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-14 21:58:37.361Z
Hi Kyle, (sorry for the a bit late reply). The changes/improvements above will be included in the upcoming version, later this week (most likely).
The 3 screenshots: Actually those are 3 separate dialogs, so ... Probably they'll all be included roughly as shown above.
This config value: Allow embedding from is:http://simplytao.com [...]
but should behttps://www.simplytao.com
(www missing).Nice photos over at www.simplytao.com, I'll write more tomorrow ...
- KKyle Cline @kylecline
thank you for your reply. no rush. sorry i missed the details on the website config. good thing i don't write code for a living. i'm in the process of redoing the photo site in x3: https://www.photo.gallery/ and on a new server. considered jeykell, joomla and drupal. i'd rather spend my time doing photography, not doing all the coding and updates with those. i'll keep in touch as the new site develops. looking forward to using talkyard on it.
kyleKajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-18 01:59:24.103Z
Now I've deployed the changes, so the dialogs look a bit different in that new & better way (I think) now.
About Jekyll, Joomla and Drupal: Actually I thought Jekyll was complicated to install (because of all Ruby stuff).
Hugo, instead, is the simplest-to-use "website building tool" I've tried.
Here's someone's photo blog, it uses Hugo he says: https://urszihlmann.com/
Here's his blog post about the website and how he created it:
(Incl a link to another blog about building photo galleries with Hugo:
https://www.liwen.id.au/heg/ )(I found out about Hugo via: https://jamstack.org/generators/ — you'll notice it's quite popular, no. 2, Jekyll is no. 4.)
- KKyle Cline @kylecline
thank you for your detailed reply. all of those links are very helpful. will take me some time to digest it. hugo still looks like a lot of code compared to photogallery x3.
your reply is an example of what i appreciate about your approach mentioned below. you took the time to look at my current sites, give feedback and share related links you know about. i don't encounter that very often it is very much appreciated. more below.
- In reply tokylecline⬆:
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-01-18 02:00:27.334Z
Nice photos over at www.simplytao.com. How did you first get the idea to travell into the wilderness with a camera :- )
(No bears in Bear Valley? o.O)This one looks quite cool: https://simplynaturebackcountryphotos.blogspot.com/2020/08/wild-mare-and-colt.html
— reading the text below, it sounds like a mini adventure :- )these sites are temporary as i have found some technical issues with each.
(Makes me wonder what were examples of some problems?)
after spending a year building the blogger site, i learned that with embedded comments, safari and mac os can't post. the non-embedded format doesn't provide threads. seems like google is losing interest in blogger.
Safari and macOS cannot post comments to .. a commenting system embedded in an
, at Blogger?
Or cannot reply via Blogger's own default commenting system?There're all these new browser security features: "Intelligent Tracking Prevention" v1, v2.0, 2.1, 2.2 (Safari) and "Enhanced Tracking Protection" (Firefox) which can caues problems for a commenting system.
having 2 sites is a little confusing
I got a little bit confused :- )
i found talkyard through the joomla resources page
You don't happen to have a link / remember what you searched for?
I went to https://extensions.joomla.org/instant-search/ and quickly searched for "comments" and "Talkyard" (didn't find anything).i really appreciate you taking time to reply. i haven't found that in other support situations. i also appreciate how you respond in the other posts i've read.
Ok :- ) Hmm sometimes it takes quite a while (as you might have noticed) :- |
appreciate how you respond
(Mabye this is an a bit weird question, but I wonder what more specifically / precisely do you have in mind?
Maybe then that could be something I could keep in mind to continue doing)- KKyle Cline @kylecline
thank you for your reply and feedback on the photos. yes, there are bears in bear valley. they are not much of a problem. cougars and wolves are. i've learned to carry a pistol.
i love being in the wilderness. it nourishes my spirit. photography is just a way to share that with others. i live in a region that most people think of as barren and desolate. not true, if you get to know it.
problems i encountered with current sites:
blogger: basically, google doesn't care anymore. deal breaker was when learned safari and ios couldn't post through blogger's native embedded. non embedded doesn't thread. that's super confusing for replies.
mobirise isn't flexible enough to customize. ex: thumbnails are cropped. several people wondered why i cut birds heads off in the photo. it looks ugly.
my primary aim is to create something beautiful that does justice the the beauty of the photo/place/animal.
the galleries on the mobirise site are multiple blocks patched together. not clean.
actually, i found talkyard at the jekyll resources page (got that confused with joomla). couldn't even get jekyll to install on my imac.
what i appreciate about what you are doing is all of the above:
your vision statement
tooltips about kindness, etc.
actual thoughtful replies to messages. i saw that when looking through the forum.
all in all it seems like what i am most interested in: real conversations, even if it is on the internet.
my suggestion: just keep doing what you are doing.
once i settle on a new software i'll set it up with talkyard and let you know.