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Images are not protected by login

By Dave Gallant @davegallant
    2021-02-11 16:48:06.010Z

    I have a deployment of Talkyard that is using Single-Sign-On and requires users to be logged in to view content.

    I noticed that images that are uploaded are not protected by login.

    For example, I can access this without being logged in:

    Is there a way to protect all images from users that are not logged in?

    • 1 replies
    1. Not currently. The image URLs are not possible to guess — one needs to either have access to the discussion topic itself, or get a direct link to the images from someone.

      Still, real image access control would be a good feature to have.

      Maybe this could be mentioned in the installation instructions and in the admin settings

      1. Progress
        with handling this problem
      2. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Planned 2021-03-16 22:32:57.223Z.