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Can I find free Talkyard hosting?

By Benjm @benjm
    2021-03-12 15:16:54.752Z

    I am tring to create a talkyard erver online. I do not have accses to any hardware. Are their any online tools that I could use to host it for free?

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 1 replies
    1. KajMagnus @KajMagnus2021-03-12 17:53:57.498Z2021-03-18 13:28:16.346Z

      I think there are not. All places that I know about, where one can rent a Virtual Private Server to self host something like Talkyard, cost money.

      And if you could find one that was for free, then, that'd seem suspicious to me.   (Because likely they'd be looking to make money from you, or your users, in ways that weren't immediately obvious, and that you would not like, had you only known about it.)

      (I edited the topic title, changed it from "Talkyard help".)
