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More prominent search field

By Christian Scheuer @chrscheuer
    2021-10-18 15:03:21.642Z

    I would absolutely love it if there was an option to make search in the forum a more prominent feature.

    See our Help Center here for an example:

    Essentially, I'd love it if there was a search bar in the top of the category list and of topic lists that didn't require a click to reveal a popup, but rather was always visible.

    Our forum now has 5,000 pages so it would make sense to make it easier for users to find existing content. I believe a prominent search feature would be key to fix that.
    Ideally, it should be a fairly trivial fix - potentially it can be a flag in the UI settings so others can keep the feature as it is today.

    • 7 replies
    1. Maybe this can indeed be a quick fix (or somewhat quick). I can have a look

      I think it's a good thing to have and could be nice to enable here at Ty .io too I suspect.

      Nice looking example, thanks for the link.

      1. In reply tochrscheuer:

        (Sorry for the delay. I've been improving session management in Talkyard. Now that's mostly done, still need to code review (not yet deployed), and some other things)

        1. In reply tochrscheuer:

          Now started working with this — will be fixed at the end of next week (unless something unplanned comes up in between).

          1. In reply tochrscheuer:

            Now this has been implemented. Will upgrade Prod soon or tomorrow

            (You'll see a search field, on the forum homepage here: /forum/ )

            1. CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
                2021-12-02 12:07:13.424Z

                Just came here to say, great work :)

                1. Ok :- )   I wonder if the search box by default should search only in any category selected below (rather than in the whole forum), if one has selected a category below.

                  Maybe, if one was in a specific category, there could be a checkbox below the search query field: [x] Search only in the current category, i.e. The Current Cat Name
                  — then, one would/could understand how it worked, and un-tick, to search everywhere.

                  (But if no category had been selected, the checkbox wouldn't appear)

                  1. CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
                      2021-12-05 23:12:01.992Z

                      That sounds like a great idea!

                      And ofc. once tags become more full-featured, the ability to add tags to one's search would be very cool too.

                2. Progress
                  with handling this problem
                3. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Planned 2021-10-19 11:33:03.330Z.
                4. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Started 2021-11-20 03:36:17.660Z.
                5. @KajMagnus marked this topic as Done 2021-12-02 05:10:19.112Z.