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Getting error: Too many categories: There are already 500 categories; importing 1 more, would result in more than 500 categories (the upper limit as of now)

By Christian Scheuer @chrscheuer
    2022-04-14 18:18:53.742Z

    Hi @KajMagnus

    Yet another error in the forum where we're hitting an arbitrary limit with no notice which causes our services to fail.
    This is getting extremely frustrating.

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 3 replies
    1. Limits lifted. Should work now

      (There really needs to be a notification to superadmins (currently me) when a site is getting close to such limits, sorry for not having added that yet)

      Reply1 LikeSolution
      1. CChristian Scheuer @chrscheuer
          2022-04-15 09:34:22.900Z

          Yea those notifications would be important. And because they're more important than regular notifications, I would argue you should be able to provide a special email address to receive those kinds of notifications/warnings.
          In the same way you might have a separate billing email (to receive invoices) or a security-update email.

          In any event, getting important notifications like that on a special email would allow us to filter them and react accordingly. Maybe you could have notifications/emails sent for when something reaches 50% of a limit, then again for 90%.

          1. Good points. Maybe both a special email address, and optionally webhook messages as well. — In your forum, I suppose you could up the storage limits to 999...99 for now to work around that.

            I've been thinking that "system" notifications should appear next to one's username, in a light gray circle if it's nothing urgent, and in a black circle if it's something urgent.