Embedding comments...
I found the section to "Allow embedding from," but how do I find the actual page to embed? I'm looking for something that looks like https://kajmagnus-blog.talkyard.io/-/embedded-comments?discussionId=new-embedded-comments-2017&embeddingUrl=https://www.kajmagnus.blog/new-embedded-comments/&logLevel=trace&embeddingScriptV=2
- SIn reply tostoryt⬆:@storyt
And then finally, I had to change talkyardServerUrl to the IP address.
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2023-05-05 07:35:11.474Z
Did it work, when using an IP address? Are you using HTTP or HTTPS? Hmm using HTTPS with a raw IP address, is apparently possible (see: Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name?) but not a good idea. What if 1) the server moves to another IP address, then the comments will break. Or what if 2) the server moves, and another server controlled by a bad-intentions person appears at the old IP, and the bad-intentions person installs Talkyard, and comments gets sent to that bad-intentions server! That'd be bad.
I can generate a cert for a domain name instead?
Yep, it worked with http. I'm just testing right now, so no domain name
KajMagnus @KajMagnus2023-05-05 12:38:59.534Z
Ok good that you're just testing :- ) Let me know later if / when you need a cert (if it doesn't get generated automatically).
- Progress