Syntax highlighting like on GithubOn Github I can choose a language formatter by typing the language identifier after the first ``` 3 backticks, like this: ```js
my javascript code here
`` `
The extra space should be disregarded, only there to bypass the formatting end tag. Would th... | Ideas | C C | 4 | 2018-08-20 15:22:54.409Z |
Open External Links in a New TabCurrently all links open in the current tab/window. I think links that don't contain the domain Talkyard resides on/in should open in a new tab with the _blank attribute in the Markdown/HTML links that are made. | Ideas | C | 3 | 2018-08-19 05:37:15.383Z |
| Support |  | 2 | 2018-08-14 07:57:10.167Z |
Group mentions brokenIf mentioning a built-in group, like @core_members, then there's this error: "Got a group when trying to load member $groupId [EdE2SBA4J7]" because currently only individual people (but not groups) can be mentioned. Instead, either there should be a ... | Issues |  | 1 | 2018-08-14 07:50:13.498Z |
Avoid unnecessary closed + reopened messagesDon't show messages like: X closed this topic 15 hours ago. X reopened this topic 15 hours ago. Because that's not interesting; nothing really happened. Instead, when someone clicks Close and then Reopen soon again, show no messages about that. The s... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-14 07:48:47.325Z |
configure https on prod-oneHello, I would like to configure https access for my webserver using Talkyard. I suppose I have to obtain a let's encrypt certificate and then install it somewhere in the project, enabling some configuration files. Anybody can help me with a small tu... | Support | B B | 8 | 2018-08-13 13:25:59.744Z |
| Issues | M | 2 | 2018-08-10 16:59:13.095Z |
Profile pictures not shown@KajMagnus, profile pictures (user uploaded) are broken in v0.6.9-WIP-3-75eef8fa4 (on premise installation). XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Line Number 1, Column 1: 1-100:1:1
Err... | Issues | M | 1 | 2018-08-09 23:44:09.949Z |
| Support | M G | 16 | 2018-08-06 17:21:21.737Z |
Blog comments: The editor can hide the comment one replies toWhen adding Talkyard comments to a blog, and clicking Reply: if the blog uses position: absolute for the <div> with the blog post and comments, then Talkyard's editor can appear above the comment one replies to, and one needs to close the editor, to ... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-05 11:32:49.380Z |
Explain icons... |
Notifications generated for topics one may not accessIf someone mentions a non-staff member, say @jane_doe, in a staff-only chat — then a notification about the mention is sent to that person (i.e. to Jane Doe). Then, when s/he clicks the notification, s/he gets an access denied error. (Thanks Burak fo... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-03 07:26:19.121Z |
| Support | D | 3 | 2018-07-20 15:21:05.594Z |
No. of users and no.of domains for hosted servicesSorry if these are simple questions to which I should know the answer. For a business user purchasing your hosting services, are there any restrictions on: (1) whether all users need to be from the same domain (that is, could some users be "xxxx@doma... | Support | A | 2 | 2018-07-15 16:46:07.781Z |
Bugs: Invites = broken. Cannot have many identities1. There's a problem with invites: invided users cannot choose a password, so they cannot really login. I've fixed it an will deploy the fix maybe tomorrow morning. ( & will add end-to-end tests for this) (What's an invite? It's when you click the In... | Issues |  | 1 | 2018-07-13 05:44:39.302Z |
Disable/Enable global categories like ideasWhile going through the initial setup you get asked if you want to have questions, ideas, problems, discussions, ... As I wanted to see how all of them look I said yes to all of them. My primary use case would be questions so when sending I out initi... | Support | D D | 2 | 2018-07-08 07:10:08.839Z |
| Support | E | 3 | 2018-07-02 15:05:48.352Z |
New line displayed as "âŠ" in Prism.jsNew lines in Prism.js box are displayed as "âŠ", don't know why and how to hide that. Screenshot shows the problem. It is probably Talkyard related, because "âŠ" shows only here. For example Prism.js works completly fine when loaded from the same .cs... | Support | V | 5 | 2018-06-29 21:15:53.293Z |
Strange problem with Prism.js syntax highlightingHey, since talkyard doesn't support native syntax highlighting I'm trying to set it up with Prism.js. However it works only partially, some code has syntax highlighting, some don't. Attached screenshot shows the problem. I used "Look and feel"/"CSS a... | Support | V V | 2 | 2018-06-25 04:20:24.586Z |
Displaying, sorting, filtering by tags in the topic listsWould it or is it possible to implement filtering by tag, assignee, milestone etc. in the topic list? Also it would be great to be able to set a default view, for instance by default show only the Waiting items in a Problem category. | Ideas | C C | 2 | 2018-06-18 16:07:39.235Z |
How can I edit a tag?I’d like to change the displayed name of a tag I created – while keeping it attached to posts where it’s attached. How can I do that? | Support | PT | 2 | 2018-06-18 13:48:09.248Z |
Error after installation ran successfullyHello there, I followed all the instructions to the T on this page: The only deviation is that I used a 1 GB droplet (on DigitalOcean) instead of 2 GB. Still, the steps ran smoothly without any issues. But ... | Support | X | 2 | 2018-06-10 11:49:23.521Z |
Can Chat be turned off on the self-hosted version?We currently have Slack & Hangouts Chat, so we're not interested in the Chat functionality and would like to turn it off. Is it possible to do this easily? I suppose I'd say this is a feature request to make that a setting if I didn't miss it :) Plea... | Ideas | DD D | 10 | 2018-05-31 13:51:11.749Z |
| Support | D2 | 7 | 2018-05-01 06:32:38.359Z |
| Support | D2 | 7 | 2018-05-01 06:07:53.451Z |
Using Octopress/Jekyll, but can't get embedded comments to workI'm using Octopress, which is just based around Jekyll (it's an older version, 2.5.3). I've followed the Jekyll instructions and have gotten as far as seeing TEST001 on a post. However, there's no comment form. I just see: I had to tweak the Jekyll s... | Support | D2 | 11 | 2018-04-23 14:07:37.206Z |
Talk yard installation hi, I am new to this talk yard ,I wanted to install talk yard on my web page .please suggest from where to start.I read some installation steps in git hub but still i am unable to understand it.. | Support | A | 1 | 2018-03-17 11:38:46.127Z |
Design changesHello, i want to suggest a few design changes. As how it is now, for me, it's not much visual appealing and somehow looks confusing. So, let's start: -Fixed navbar at top I do not see why is a navbar fixed at top(mobile view), as it do not provide an... | Ideas | R R | 2 | 2018-03-15 16:23:53.663Z |
Installation Question on Step 2: Prepare UbuntuHello! I was following the instructions on GitHub to install Effective Discussions ( and, upon running the command in step 2: ./scripts/ 2>&1 | tee -a ed-maint.log i got this screen, which i was ... | Support |   | 3 | 2017-10-22 06:13:22.708Z |
Is this in Step 3: Install Docker an error?Hello :-) In Step 3 of the installation instructions (Install Docker), something that looks like an error happens. First, the amount of time left for the installation to be completed keeps increasing. After about 5 minutes, it plateaus at about 22 ho... | Support |   | 3 | 2017-10-22 06:09:05.441Z |
Is this in Step 8: "Install and start latest version" an error?Hello :-) When attempting to run ./scripts/ 2>&1 | tee -a ed-maint.log in Step 8 of the installation instructions, i also get what appears to be an error: Should i carry on with Steps 9 and 10? Or should i wait to figure out why i... | Support |   | 1 | 2017-09-18 14:43:08.800Z |
How do I delete a category?I created some categories I don't want and I can't figure out how to delete them. Can someone help me do that? Thank you. | Support | S | 2 | 2017-02-01 10:35:03.301Z | discussion systemI'm thinking about using [the discussion system in use on this site] for Here's a noisy demo, and here is a "real" (non-demo) page. Some things that are missing: A reputation system Tagging questions, search by tags A questi... | Ideas | U UUM2 | 5 | 2015-09-19 08:06:41.970Z |
Semantics of an upvote - how to deal with it?One of issues of different social and discussion sites is that up/downvotes have unclear meaning. Is it liking that someone is posting something ("thanks for sharing"), or liking its content (easthetically, intellectually, socially, emotionally, ...)... | Ideas | U | 14 | 2015-09-19 08:04:38.696Z |
Debiki issuesIssues and question related to Debiki (curious if it will work). [Edit: Nowadays, year 2015, please instead post a new topic for each issue or question. /KajMagnus] | Support | UAUT | 8 | 2015-09-19 07:55:19.950Z |
Debiki feature requestsDebiki feature requests. [Edit: Nowadays please instead post each idea as a separate topic. /KajMagnus] | Ideas | U | 34 | 2015-09-19 07:52:48.971Z |
Visualizing Markdown's double space line breaksHow will this Markdown source render: (will there be a line break?) Roses are red
Violets are blue
You should have no idea, since any trailing spaces are invisible (they indicate line breaks, in Markdown). Also you don't know which particular Markdo... | Ideas | U | 0 | 2013-06-16 18:11:40.394Z |