Topic preview weird rendering of markdown link@KajMagnus - thanks for creating this great software and for being a nice guy, regarding your pricing and vision! Issue Using a markdown anchor within the topic's description works fine on the topic page, but is rendered weird when topic preview is s... | Issues |   | 1 | 2018-10-21 06:34:25.129Z |
| Ideas |   | 1 | 2018-10-21 06:32:19.839Z |
Persistent NotificationHello, I have a user who is receiving this notification constantly, it directs to the main page and does not get marked as read. Any ideas? | Support | C | 1 | 2018-10-05 17:56:03.507Z |
Change "Users Online" appearance.Is it possible to have the users online appear at all times in this 'condensed' form of just the user count? It's what most of my users have requested since the "Online in this forum" breaks to multiple lines and messes with our titlebar. | Support | C C | 2 | 2018-10-03 14:54:44.119Z |
Strange Error with Firefox ExtensionThis may be very specific, but I use this extension: for YouTube. When this extension is enabled, I get errors in the console and Talkyard won't load anything after the custom header HTML. re... | Support | C | 3 | 2018-10-03 14:23:21.597Z |
Content Security Policy error within GatsbyJSHello. I've tried to add the section below of my blog post template. but I met this error in chrome developer Tool. Then I can't figure out any appearance of Talkyard. How can I modify Content Security Policy to 'self' from 'none'? It seems all will ... | Support | OH | 4 | 2018-10-01 07:00:03.743Z |
iframesDo iframes not work? Trying to share a YouTube video in my forum. | Support | C | 5 | 2018-10-01 05:39:33.452Z |
Subcategories / Parent TopicsIt would be nice to be able to structure categories so that a Talkyard site can be more specifically organized. For my case I would like to be able to make an 'Operating Systems' Category and then contain Subcategories like 'Windows', 'OS X', 'Linux'... | Ideas | C C | 2 | 2018-09-24 17:20:30.770Z |
Database connection error and a questionHello, I want to ask if I need to create the Postgres database "talkyard" and user "talkyard" myself or is automatically created on the host machine ? And the POSTGRES_PASSWORD from ".env" should be the password for global access to Postgres database... | Support | R | 1 | 2018-09-22 01:39:54.732Z |
RSS feed for the most recent comments@someburneraccount wrote: "... planning to put the embeddable rss feed of the most recent comments in our forum to our sidebar, so that users see that and hopefully join the forum ..." — ok so there'll be an RSS (Atom) feed with the most recent comme... | Ideas |   | 3 | 2018-09-20 01:18:50.740Z |
Explain icons... |
Support file uploads to Amazon S3 bucketsIt would be really useful to have the ability to upload files directly into AWS S3 buckets. One can currently mount an S3 bucket to a Talkyard instance and direct the uploads there but I am not sure how reliable that would be. Supporting this in the ... | Ideas | M M | 2 | 2018-09-17 17:32:01.740Z |
| Issues | C C | 3 | 2018-09-09 05:07:17.895Z |
Hamburger top nav dropdown, for mobiles@someburneraccount wrote: "[we'd like to have a] three stripes menu icon for the mobile page and then just click on it to have the all the menu text appear" — agree with this, I want this too. And, often people don't bother to click the hamburger / t... | Ideas | C | 2 | 2018-09-01 17:34:33.714Z |
Add a Change Password buttonCurrently one can only change one's password, by clicking "Did you forget your password?" in the login dialog, when logged out. There should also be a "Change password" button on one's user profile page, the Account section probably. (Thanks Cody for... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-31 08:05:01.564Z |
Keep attached file name intact while downloadingWhen a user downloads an attachment, the file name seen in the post is replaced with some generated (hashed?) name which forces user to rename the file. It would be desirable to keep the original file name intact during download. Thank you! | Ideas | M M | 6 | 2018-08-27 20:49:49.265Z |
Error when Deleting an AccountonCloseOk/<@ r/<@ See Dev Tools for details: usually Ctrl + Shift + C, here in the browser, then click Console. | Issues | C C | 3 | 2018-08-24 23:47:07.617Z |
Sharing to Social MediaCurrently when sharing any forum post to a social media site like Facebook, no opengraph info is shown or pulled. Is this by design? Can we force meta info? | Ideas | C C | 2 | 2018-08-24 23:46:12.315Z |
| Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-22 15:13:36.324Z |
| Ideas | M M | 4 | 2018-08-20 19:06:46.252Z |
Syntax highlighting like on GithubOn Github I can choose a language formatter by typing the language identifier after the first ``` 3 backticks, like this: ```js
my javascript code here
`` `
The extra space should be disregarded, only there to bypass the formatting end tag. Would th... | Ideas | C C | 4 | 2018-08-20 15:22:54.409Z |
Open External Links in a New TabCurrently all links open in the current tab/window. I think links that don't contain the domain Talkyard resides on/in should open in a new tab with the _blank attribute in the Markdown/HTML links that are made. | Ideas | C | 3 | 2018-08-19 05:37:15.383Z |
| Support |  | 2 | 2018-08-14 07:57:10.167Z |
Group mentions brokenIf mentioning a built-in group, like @core_members, then there's this error: "Got a group when trying to load member $groupId [EdE2SBA4J7]" because currently only individual people (but not groups) can be mentioned. Instead, either there should be a ... | Issues |  | 1 | 2018-08-14 07:50:13.498Z |
Avoid unnecessary closed + reopened messagesDon't show messages like: X closed this topic 15 hours ago. X reopened this topic 15 hours ago. Because that's not interesting; nothing really happened. Instead, when someone clicks Close and then Reopen soon again, show no messages about that. The s... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-14 07:48:47.325Z |
configure https on prod-oneHello, I would like to configure https access for my webserver using Talkyard. I suppose I have to obtain a let's encrypt certificate and then install it somewhere in the project, enabling some configuration files. Anybody can help me with a small tu... | Support | B B | 8 | 2018-08-13 13:25:59.744Z |
| Issues | M | 2 | 2018-08-10 16:59:13.095Z |
Profile pictures not shown@KajMagnus, profile pictures (user uploaded) are broken in v0.6.9-WIP-3-75eef8fa4 (on premise installation). XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Line Number 1, Column 1: 1-100:1:1
Err... | Issues | M | 1 | 2018-08-09 23:44:09.949Z |
| Support | M G | 16 | 2018-08-06 17:21:21.737Z |
Blog comments: The editor can hide the comment one replies toWhen adding Talkyard comments to a blog, and clicking Reply: if the blog uses position: absolute for the <div> with the blog post and comments, then Talkyard's editor can appear above the comment one replies to, and one needs to close the editor, to ... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-05 11:32:49.380Z |
Notifications generated for topics one may not accessIf someone mentions a non-staff member, say @jane_doe, in a staff-only chat — then a notification about the mention is sent to that person (i.e. to Jane Doe). Then, when s/he clicks the notification, s/he gets an access denied error. (Thanks Burak fo... | Issues |  | 0 | 2018-08-03 07:26:19.121Z |
| Support | D | 3 | 2018-07-20 15:21:05.594Z |
No. of users and no.of domains for hosted servicesSorry if these are simple questions to which I should know the answer. For a business user purchasing your hosting services, are there any restrictions on: (1) whether all users need to be from the same domain (that is, could some users be "xxxx@doma... | Support | A | 2 | 2018-07-15 16:46:07.781Z |
Bugs: Invites = broken. Cannot have many identities1. There's a problem with invites: invided users cannot choose a password, so they cannot really login. I've fixed it an will deploy the fix maybe tomorrow morning. ( & will add end-to-end tests for this) (What's an invite? It's when you click the In... | Issues |  | 1 | 2018-07-13 05:44:39.302Z |
Disable/Enable global categories like ideasWhile going through the initial setup you get asked if you want to have questions, ideas, problems, discussions, ... As I wanted to see how all of them look I said yes to all of them. My primary use case would be questions so when sending I out initi... | Support | D D | 2 | 2018-07-08 07:10:08.839Z |
| Support | E | 3 | 2018-07-02 15:05:48.352Z |
New line displayed as "âŠ" in Prism.jsNew lines in Prism.js box are displayed as "âŠ", don't know why and how to hide that. Screenshot shows the problem. It is probably Talkyard related, because "âŠ" shows only here. For example Prism.js works completly fine when loaded from the same .cs... | Support | V | 5 | 2018-06-29 21:15:53.293Z |
Strange problem with Prism.js syntax highlightingHey, since talkyard doesn't support native syntax highlighting I'm trying to set it up with Prism.js. However it works only partially, some code has syntax highlighting, some don't. Attached screenshot shows the problem. I used "Look and feel"/"CSS a... | Support | V V | 2 | 2018-06-25 04:20:24.586Z |
Displaying, sorting, filtering by tags in the topic listsWould it or is it possible to implement filtering by tag, assignee, milestone etc. in the topic list? Also it would be great to be able to set a default view, for instance by default show only the Waiting items in a Problem category. | Ideas | C C | 2 | 2018-06-18 16:07:39.235Z |
How can I edit a tag?I’d like to change the displayed name of a tag I created – while keeping it attached to posts where it’s attached. How can I do that? | Support | PT | 2 | 2018-06-18 13:48:09.248Z |
Error after installation ran successfullyHello there, I followed all the instructions to the T on this page: The only deviation is that I used a 1 GB droplet (on DigitalOcean) instead of 2 GB. Still, the steps ran smoothly without any issues. But ... | Support | X | 2 | 2018-06-10 11:49:23.521Z |