Dark mode fix?Hey, it's me again. So I setup TalkYard on my Website and it works really well. I added the dark style-css you posted here: Changing the colors How to edit CSS to change the colors, to match your main website / your top header / your blog. Later, the... | Issues | B | 6 | 2020-10-22 11:04:27.582Z |
How to grant "Staff" permission so users can make Info pagesI've granted the user Kitch (in the SoundFlow forum) moderator role, because that feels like how I would make him a Staff member. But when he clicks the "More" button to try to make an info page, it just disappears, the ability to make an Info page d... | Issues | C C | 6 | 2020-10-11 16:05:22.447Z |
| Support | H H | 4 | 2020-10-09 06:38:31.493Z |
Trying to rename category gives error.Tried to rename a sub category (Counter Offset) and got this: Something went wrong: [DwE500REX]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot save 2 permissions, would result in 308 permissions in total, but 200 is max [TyEMNYPERMS]
at com.debiki.core.Prelude... | Issues | C C | 6 | 2020-10-07 18:11:55.435Z |
Email notifications / threadsI used to just have a single thread in my Gmail with the new stuff that had happened in Talkyard. Now I have 5. This is definitely not an improvement, it creates much more noise that isn't useful. Can it maybe be an option so that we can select/elect... | Issues | C C | 3 | 2020-09-27 16:51:13.763Z |
Add categories and default chat channel in sidebarComing from Slack, the left-hand sidebar seems very under-used and makes Talkyard hard to navigate in comparison. I think two changes would really help: List categories in sidebar. This would make it easy to see what categories there are and also mak... | Ideas | H | 1 | 2020-09-26 08:49:01.835Z |
| Ideas | C | 5 | 2020-09-26 08:41:14.677Z |
Request Entity is Too LargeWe still have quite a few users who can't share screenshots on our forum. It makes a lot of bug hunting incredibly difficult. I guess it's because they have retina screens or something like that, which makes the images big. Would it be possible to: H... | Issues | C C | 3 | 2020-09-25 20:57:33.301Z |
Bug in Dropbox video embeddingSee the post here: https://forum.soundflow.org/-2534#post-3 The user has posted a Dropbox link, which gets turned into a video element that is unplayable. In that case, having just the raw link would make it easier to see the video. | Issues | CN C | 8 | 2020-09-15 10:17:23.536Z |
Drafts are lost when clicking Resume editingI finally had a draft I actually wanted to edit... But then I clicked Resume editing and it was lost. It was in this thread: https://forum.soundflow.org/-2825/track-output-window-follow-track-selection#post-3 | Issues | C | 0 | 2020-09-09 17:05:47.658Z |
Explain icons... |
Centos compatibilityExcuse my ignorance, but I am new to Linux and am wanting to install talkyard in an old machine I found to play around with the setup. Is it compatible with centos 5? I can probably upgrade to 6 as a side project, but want to make sure what I’m getti... | Support | D | 1 | 2020-09-04 06:31:16.805Z |
In Hugo demo, comment count increases even when cancel a postHi, I'm playing with Talkyard using the Hugo instructions at https://hugo-demo.talkyard.io/posts/demo-and-instructions. I'm using localhost to view my blog posts. When I click Reply to a post, the displayed count of comments is incremented; if I canc... | Issues | G | 1 | 2020-09-02 05:59:59.423Z |
How to fix sameSite cookie issueOn my gatsby static site, the comments iframe appears in my local environment but when deployed I get the error: "Refused to frame 'https://discussions.yarcenter.talkyard.net/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy direct... | Support | M | 1 | 2020-09-01 02:33:38.374Z |
Pointing Talkyard to a GitLab oauth 2 authentication providerHi, I've been trying to set up an on-prem, airgapped Talkyard instance, and wanted to leverage the oauth2 provider feature on our on-prem GitLab instance. I tried to read through this documentation as a reference: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integrati... | Support | B B | 8 | 2020-08-24 17:32:21.044Z |
Center the Talkyard Commentbox Hello, is it possible to center the Commentbox on Ghost CMS. on Mobileview it looks good, but on Desktop is it on the left Site at the Page. https://dasnetzundich.de/iptables-mit-ipset-futtern/ | Support | H H | 2 | 2020-08-22 11:16:35.057Z |
| Issues | D | 2 | 2020-08-13 15:20:50.859Z |
Feature request: StatisticsIt would be nice to have a central place (I imagine the Admin dashboard) where we could see some simple site-wide statistics, like total number of threads, total number of posts (per month maybe, as a graph, eventually). Here and now just the total n... | Support | C | 1 | 2020-08-12 19:47:53.752Z |
Deleted posts can appear in searchHow often does the search engine update? I'm asking since we had a user whose posts I had to delete, and subsequently, I also deleted my own posts that answered his. Some of these posts, while deleted, still appear in searches. Is this just because t... | Support | C | 1 | 2020-08-12 19:29:37.278Z |
| Ideas | C C | 15 | 2020-08-10 14:30:26.343Z |
Bug in Permissions?I'm not quite sure if it's a bug or a if I'm misunderstanding something: There's a permission for "Edit other people's topics" and one for "Edit wiki posts". In my opinion it makes sense that if someone has the "Edit wiki posts" he can edit ALL wikif... | Issues | P | 6 | 2020-08-09 18:33:07.294Z |
Core members shouldn't be reviewedWe have some core members of the team who will routinely go back and edit older posts. This right now causes them to appear as something an admin then needs to review. This is just busy-work. A core member should be trusted enough so that even edits ... | Issues | C C | 5 | 2020-08-02 20:06:52.077Z |
Support SAML login via KeycloakIt seems that via Keycloak, you can "add" SAML to Talkyard: (Talkyard probably will not support SAML natively the nearest many years, today is July 2020.) In Talkyard, configure OIDC login with Keycloak as the OIDC identity provider: https://www.keyc... | Ideas |  | 0 | 2020-07-29 09:13:13.457Z |
Change Owner/ModeratorIs it possible to change the owner/moderator of an account which is serving comments for a blog? We realized that it would be better to have the moderation be done by another individual. Thanks! | Support | D2 D2 | 2 | 2020-07-17 11:02:02.739Z |
Questions about this softwareHello. I found this app and it looks it could meet my needs. I have a news community, and I discovered dev.lemmy.ml, which is software inspired in the old reddit, however, thought promissing it is still lacking in many aspects. My other choice was di... | Support | BC | 9 | 2020-07-16 01:44:11.068Z |
| Issues | C C | 4 | 2020-07-11 11:45:44.444Z |
| Support | C C | 2 | 2020-07-11 11:43:43.776Z |
| Support | I | 1 | 2020-07-09 08:19:51.171Z |
Add a rich text editorMaybe use ProseMirror to build one? It supports both rich text and Markdown, and collaborative editing. Here Atlassian has published an open source editor built on ProseMirror: http://atlaskit.atlassian.com/packages/editor/editor-core (found out abou... | Ideas | J | 2 | 2020-07-08 06:38:45.651Z |
| Support | X X | 3 | 2020-06-29 04:10:28.174Z |
How to install Talkyard prod in a subdirectory?We have an AWS Ubuntu 18.04 2GB RAM server running LAMP and another script in public_html. We need to install TalkYard at: Domain.com/subfolder Using the Github instructions, (https://github.com/debiki/talkyard-prod-one) is it an Apache virtualhosts ... | Support | N | 3 | 2020-06-22 13:34:05.796Z |
| Support | C C | 6 | 2020-06-20 20:18:38.796Z |
Help choosing a path for shibboleth integrationTalkyard is an amazing piece of software. I'm hoping to use it to help researchers at my university share best practices and help each other with data analysis. You can see an example version of the site at https://www.mit.edu/~realdata/help/ . I'm t... | Support | E E | 2 | 2020-06-09 13:36:17.365Z |
Feature request: Search APII don't remember if we've discussed this elsewhere. As I do remember, we talked about it quite a bit, but it's a very long time ago. We're doing various integrations now, where we try to make it easier for users to find the forum and to use it more. ... | Ideas | C C | 34 | 2020-06-09 12:07:37.737Z |
Issue with formatting of code when using the upsert APIHi @KajMagnus We're implementing our "Get Script Help" help panel inside SoundFlow, where a user can click a button to get help with the current script, and it will ask them a few questions before then auto-generating a forum entry for them. You can ... | Issues | C C | 7 | 2020-06-09 09:22:33.881Z |
Feature request: New topic type: ArticleWe've changed the design a bit on our forum and I think we'd like to consider using Talkyard for our documentation (in a way you could say our "How to" category is already documentation-by-support) Here's an example: https://forum.soundflow.org/-1842... | Ideas | C C | 4 | 2020-06-08 17:43:51.923Z |
Topic type 'Link'I was looking at the topic type function here and I think this is a great feature, but I miss the 'link type' topic. Users sometimes like to share just links, and this type of topic could come very handy. Reddit is built around this feature! [Edit] R... | Ideas | IU | 2 | 2020-06-08 17:43:17.825Z |
| Ideas | S | 3 | 2020-06-05 06:02:38.221Z |
Talkyard Roadmap 2018-06-24Here's what's next for Talkyard — the items are not ordered, except for "soon" and "later". Feedback & change suggestions are welcome; add a comment below. Edit: This roadmap is old. There's a new roadmap here, from 2018-11-26. Now soon Theming. User... | Development | MD | 5 | 2020-06-05 05:55:01.672Z |
Talkyard List APIThere's a search API: POST /-/v0/search for full text search, and also an API at: POST /-/v0/list for listing for example the X most popular pages in a category, or the Y most recent posts across the whole forum. This topic is about the List API — wh... | Ideas | P | 7 | 2020-06-01 08:39:12.990Z |
New language: es_CLHello. I have made a spanish translation of Talkyard. I made some choices that you may or may not agree with. For instance "topic" is literally translated "tema", which actually means "subject". This is the most standard translation in other forum ap... | Support | L | 6 | 2020-05-30 20:43:07.372Z |