TypeError: e is nullHi, is there an issue with Talkyard if nobody had a comment? For example, on https://horstmann.com/unblog/2021-08-02/index.html I get TypeError: e is null but on https://horstmann.com/unblog/2020-05-20/index.html with what seems to be the same invoca... | Issues | C | 9 | 2021-08-27 13:26:03.489Z |
Fix the "jumpy" headerStarting at a certain width, the forum starts jumping around every time the header pops in/out. This is a bit annoying, would be nice if you could change it so it works the same way as when the forum is not expanded. Video to show both cases: first t... | Issues |   | 1 | 2021-08-27 05:58:06.748Z |
Full text search should look in sub categoriesTalkyard currently full text searches only in exactly the categories specified (or the whole forum, if none specified), but not any of their sub categories. Probably sub categories should be searched too (unless explicitly excluded). | Issues |  | 0 | 2021-08-26 05:12:07.608Z |
Talkyard v0.2021.23New Talkyard version, new features and fixes: Idea tracking / Feature upvoting categories, check out: the Ideas category here in the forum — when you switch to that category, the topics get sorted by popular-first, and you see how many Likes the Orig... | Releases |  C | 2 | 2021-08-25 19:47:12.682Z |
| Support |   | 1 | 2021-08-24 16:48:39.532Z |
| Issues |    | 2 | 2021-08-22 18:21:41.952Z |
| Issues |    | 2 | 2021-08-19 18:46:57.420Z |
| Issues | L  | 14 | 2021-08-19 14:37:25.731Z |
| Support | E | 5 | 2021-08-17 18:17:27.893Z |
Request to fix the email problemHi @KajMagnus As you know, lots of users end up responding to forum emails because they believe their response will end up with us. You've been manually forwarding this to us. As our user base grows, that's unsustainable for you - and for us. Those f... | Support | C | 12 | 2021-08-12 15:07:30.426Z |
Explain icons... |
Talkyard v0.2021.22(For almost two years we (well, I) haven't posted any release announcements, although there's been many releases during that time. — Now seems like a good time to start announcing new releases again.) New Talkyard version, new features: (which took a... | Releases |  C | 4 | 2021-08-10 11:04:17.129Z |
| Support | GR | 4 | 2021-08-02 05:26:08.681Z |
Site export runs out of memoryHi @KajMagnus We're relying on the site export endpoint to be able to export forum data for syncing up with our ClickUp backend. Unfortunately, it looks like it's implemented in a way where it instead of streaming the data out tries to build the enti... | Support | C C | 7 | 2021-07-28 20:34:07.428Z |
How to add more Talkyard server RAMIf you're self hosted, some day you might need to add more server memory (RAM), typically to the Talkyard application server. How to add application server memory Do this: Increase the amount of memory available to the server (e.g. a Virtual Private ... | How To |  | 0 | 2021-07-26 20:03:48.884Z |
Single-Sign-On for embedded comments, v1Update year 2021: This has now been implemented, using PASETO tokens instead of HMAC etc. See: How to add Blog Comments Single Sign-On (SSO) You can add Single Sign-On to your blog or website in two ways, but only the authn token way is currently sup... | Ideas | NSC | 15 | 2021-07-16 13:30:33.030Z |
Deleting one's own postsHow come non-admin users can't delete their posts? Is there a way I (the admin) can change that? | Issues | M M | 5 | 2021-06-21 16:14:38.897Z |
How to add Mermaid to TalkyardMermaid, https://mermaid-js.github.io, is a Javascript diagramming and charting tool, where you can create diagrams by typing plain text. Here's one way to add Mermaid to Talkyard: As admin, go to the admin area, the Look and feel | CSS and JS tab, a... | How To | D | 2 | 2021-06-17 09:46:03.674Z |
Hugo SaaS IntegrationI'm adding Talkyard to a Hugo site and haven't been able to display comments. At the bottom of this entry: https://wellys.com/posts/arduino_hal/ you can see the Comments powered by... however, there isn't anything else, such as a comment box. I've no... | Support | L | 6 | 2021-06-17 03:04:15.390Z |
SSL setup - talkyard one auto config not workingHi. I'm setting up my 2nd talkyard box, trying to use SSL. On my first setup, I didn't have port 80 open, which might have thrown it off for the automatic cert generation. Port 80 is now open too. It still doesn't seem to generate the https cert. In ... | Support | D D | 5 | 2021-06-07 18:51:12.239Z |
| Issues |  | 0 | 2021-06-07 17:43:35.996Z |
Is there any API documentation?I have successfully created an API key, but I can't find any documentation of the API, even a list of what endpoints are available. Where should I be looking? | Support | TBS | 11 | 2021-06-02 04:05:54.957Z |
How to add Talkyard comments to a SquareSpace blog(This not yet tested — please leave a comment below if you try this out?) Squarespace has a built-in commenting system — however if for some reason you want to use Talkyard instead, you could try this: Go to Squarespace's "custom code injection" sett... | How To | B | 8 | 2021-05-30 17:04:33.814Z |
| Support | P | 1 | 2021-05-26 08:58:07.014Z |
API shorthand syntaxShorthand In the API docs, this: POST /-/v0/something {
field: 'value',
oneTwoMany: 123,
means sending a HTTP POST request to /-/v0/something with a header Content-Type: application/json and a JSON payload: { "field": "value", "oneTwoMany": 1... | API |  | 0 | 2021-05-22 19:32:17.601Z |
Talkyard API authenticationTo use non-public parts of the API, you need to generate an API secret: Go to https:// your talkyard site /-/admin/settings/features and click Enable API and save the settings. Now, the API tab appears — go there and generate an API secret. Note that... | API | J | 2 | 2021-05-22 19:29:26.640Z |
Multi tenant / multi site supportHi. Is it possible to configure a muilti-site multi-tenant installation? I read somewhere in the forum that the database supports multi-tenant but can find no other information. | Support | F | 4 | 2021-05-16 04:11:51.723Z |
User managementHi - is it possible to limit user permissions o that only Admins can add new topics. We are investigating using Talkyard for our running club and would like to contain the list of topics. | Support | R | 1 | 2021-05-14 09:05:00.650Z |
Is there a way to delete/hide users?Hi @KajMagnus We often end up creating test accounts in our internal team, and due to our SSO, they end up being created as users on the forum too. Sometimes our customers think those test accounts are our real accounts and so start tagging them. Is ... | Support | C C | 4 | 2021-05-10 15:31:36.557Z |
Is it possible to put multiple threads on the same page?I'm interested in whether it is possible to put multiple threads onto the same page simultaneously. The use case I am exploring for Talkyard involves attempting to achieve something not quite as sophisticated as commenting in a Google doc, but is alo... | Ideas | T | 2 | 2021-05-08 21:30:54.144Z |
Migration from phpbbHi guys, I currently have a forum with phpbb and I want to transfer it to the talkyard. How can I do this ? Is there any easy way to do this? | Development | J2 | 1 | 2021-05-05 06:45:55.490Z |
Search finds only exact wordsIt seems like the search function only finds exact words, e.g., when I search for "search" I won't find articles containing "searching". Is there a way to change this behavior so that substring matching would work? Update: The title and the paragraph... | Support |  S | 7 | 2021-04-30 08:56:14.114Z |
How to reorder categoriesWhen I create a new category, is it possible to choose its order? And could I reorder all categories? | Support | S | 1 | 2021-04-28 18:45:08.057Z |
Can you disable the "Some disagree with this" feature?I've used forums like Reddit for ages.. before that, Digg. The hivemind effect is cancer. The "some disagree with this" feature is not a feature I want, because I feel that it hinders discussion and influences perception more than it should. Can this... | Support | L | 2 | 2021-04-28 18:35:06.396Z |
TalkYard is incorrectly scrolling all blog posts to commentsA bad bug seems to have slipped through to TalkYard's production servers. My blog uses TalkYard for blog comments, but every page the user visits, TalkYard immediately scrolls down to the comments, even if there is no comment ID in the URL bar. If I ... | Support |    | 4 | 2021-04-24 18:29:16.876Z |
Why does TalkYard's robot.txt exclude user profile pages?I got an email from Google Search warning me that they're indexing pages that are disallowed by robots.txt (weird that they're ignoring the robots.txt, but anyway...). I checked it out, and it looks like they're user profile pages: I can see that my ... | Support |   | 4 | 2021-04-22 11:32:45.376Z |
| Support | F | 1 | 2021-04-16 05:00:20.964Z |
Feature request for "unread" indicatorHi, I would like if there was an indication, next to each topic title on the main page, of new topics which I haven't read, or topics containing replies that I haven't read. This "indication" could be something as simple as a red dot next to the topi... | Ideas | H | 1 | 2021-04-15 12:02:05.409Z |
| Issues | MZ | 4 | 2021-04-10 05:20:08.594Z |
| Issues |   | 2 | 2021-04-09 12:03:58.856Z |
Using firewalld instead of ufwI think that docker doesn't play well with ufw. It supports firewalld instead. https://github.com/debiki/talkyard-prod-one/blob/master/scripts/start-firewall.sh#L15 | Issues |   | 3 | 2021-04-04 15:36:07.789Z |